Sunday Funday
So anyone who has worked in a kitchen, who has worked on a Sunday knows they can be great or they can be the worst fucking thing ever! I like Sunday's because they are usually a little slower I get to catch up on whatever the guy who worked yesterday didn't do. So today was one of those fuck the guy who worked yesterday. I came in to a note that said "do you want the good news or the bad news?" Then I read the note and was like "where the fuck is the good news?" So as I put on my headphones ( a luxury I afford myself to keep my sanity) and begin to start cleaning up this mess. I get a look at our reservations to see a 20 top party with no notes no party menus nothing. Great. I look at the inventory of my cut meat and say OK! Now I start to get a little mad. But hey I am fucking superman no problem. So much work to do so little time. The one thing that brightened up my whole night was a picture of my fiancé trying on wedding dresses. I was instantly transformed into the chef who needs to do the best job possible so that I can give this woman the world. So game on and fuck the guy who worked yesterday.
8:19 PM
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